As our many readers are just getting know us here at theschimdies, I feel it is appropriate to lay out from the start our feelings on some of the larger issues facing all of us in America today, as well as those in American territories such as Canada and in unidentified protectorates such as everywhere else on Earth. It is in this spirit that my first contribution as a Schmindy will be a defense of our great president, George Walker Bush.
"Defense from what?" you might ask, and fair enough. Surely a Man, nay Titan so highly evolved, so sophisticated, so resolute, so eloquent and persuasive as GWB can stand just fine on His own, and has no need for a co-Titan (that's me) to take His licks for Him. Unfortunately however the assault on decency has come from so many corners that I feel compelled to stand up and take some of the heat off of the President, lest His clear and noble message of freedom, guns, liberty, freedom and death for all the world be diminished.
For instance, I began my research for this piece where all responsible journalists and scholars alike look first for credible information, Wikipedia. I was horrified to discover that even Wikipedia, that bastion of high-minded and unimpeachable analysis, had entitled a chapter of its George W Bush entry thusly:

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